What Makes Us So Awesome?

Our Live and Front-end Editing Options!

You can customize anything you see directly from the front-end, you can see the changes you make live and you don’t need to code anything to do it.

Our theme is the most advanced and user-friendly theme you will find on the market, we have documentation and video to help set your site really easily,
pre-installed demos you can import in one click and everything from the theme options to page content can be edited from the front-end. This is the theme you are looking for.

Introducing New Features

Create or Customize Really Easily!

You can customize anything you see directly from the front-end, you can see the changes you make live and you don’t need to code anything to do it.

Our theme is the most advanced and user-friendly theme you will find on the market, we have documentation and video to help set your site really easily,
pre-installed demos you can import in one click and everything from the theme options to page content can be edited from the front-end. This is the theme you are looking for.

Our Amazing Work

Cesis has been coded so the theme is as light as possible, only load script when needed but still let you do the most awesome thing you could imagine

Standard Bag20190829141224
Bottle Mockup20190829141134
Stand Up20190829141023
Memo Mockup20190829140944
Screen Mockup20190829140858
Suite Case20190829140617
Encuentro de Innovación Pública 202320190116144034

Everything Can Be Changed Without Difficulties.

What makes us so awesome?

Our Live and Front-End Editing Options!

You can customize anything you see directly from the front-end, you can see the changes you make live and you don’t need to code anything to do it.

Our theme is the most advanced and user-friendly theme you will find on the market, we have documentation and video to help set your site really easily,
pre-installed demos you can import in one click and everything from the theme options to page content can be edited from the front-end. This is the theme you are looking for.

Everything can be changed without difficulties.

Edit Live From the Front-End or Backend!

Our Latest News

Cesis comes with a theme panel that will let you modify anything you want without having to code or modify anything from the theme.

Oferta Laboral: Ingeniero Especialista en Guerra Electrónica20250206085214

Oferta Laboral: Ingeniero Especialista en Guerra Electrónica

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Práctica Publicista / Diseñador20250204160627

Práctica Publicista / Diseñador

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Oferta Laboral: Jefe Dpto. Entrenamiento y Simulación20250117153553

Oferta Laboral: Jefe Dpto. Entrenamiento y Simulación

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Oferta Laboral: Game Designer20250110163739

Oferta Laboral: Game Designer

Oferta Laboral: Game DesignerObjetivo del cargoDiseñar aplicaciones interactivas en Realidades Extendidas (AR, VR, MR) para e...

We Care About Customers!

You Will Be Pleased!

Cesis will provide you support if you have any problems, our support team will reply within a day and we also have detailed documentation.

Oferta Laboral: Ingeniero Especialista en Guerra Electrónica20250206085214
Práctica Publicista / Diseñador20250204160627
Oferta Laboral: Jefe Dpto. Entrenamiento y Simulación20250117153553
Oferta Laboral: Game Designer20250110163739
Oferta Laboral: Ingeniero de Desarrollo Espacial20250110163215
Oferta Laboral: Técnico Proyectista20250110162854

Made to be used easily by anyone

Satisfied Clients

All Around the World

CustomizationYou can customize anything you see directly from the front-end, you can see the changes you make live and you don't need to code anything to do it.
MultilanguageCesis can easily be translated and is compatible with the well known WPML plugin, of course the theme has been test and is 100% RTL compatible.
Amazing Load SpeedCesis has been coded so the theme is as light as possible, only load script when needed but still let you do the most awesome thing you could imagine.
Pre-made TemplateCesis comes with pre-made demo and template to help people build nice and fancy website without being a professional designers.
Optimized for SEOThe theme has been made and coded in order to fit the search engine requirements, in addition to this you can also use the well know seo plugins
Incredible SupportCesis will provide you support if you have any problems, our support team will reply within a day and we also have detailed documentation.

Meet Our Team

Cesis comes with a theme panel that will let you modify anything you want without having to code or modify anything from the theme.

Paola Neira20181013162322

Paola Neira

Subgerente de Ventas
Cristina Reyes20181013162216

Cristina Reyes

Jefe Depto. Ventas
Marcelo Leon20181013162115

Marcelo Leon

Gerente de Cuentas
Luis Zamora20181013162036

Luis Zamora

Gerente de Cuentas
Fernando Roman20181013162005

Fernando Roman

Asesor Técnico
Alfredo Tapia20181013161920

Alfredo Tapia

Gerente de Cuentas

Contact Us Now

You can customize anything you see directly from the front-end, you can see the changes you make live and you don’t need to code anything to do it.

Office #01 / newyork

1509 North Main Street,
New York, NY 888888
Phone: 1.900.345.6789
Email: support@cesiswp.com

Office #02 / australia

PO Box 16122 Collins Street West,
Victoria 8007 Australia
Phone: 1.900.345.6789
Email: support@cesiswp.com